2012年12月28日 星期五

Q & A about Fishing Lures—Fa Yang Fishing Lures Manufacturer Makes you the Great Artist in the Ocean(Taiwan, fishing lures, fishing lures manufacturer, fishing tackle,fishing equipmen




Q & A about Fishing LuresFa Yang Fishing Lures Manufacturer Makes you the Great Artist in the Ocean

         Though Fa Yang is a manufacturer that produces fishing lures for famous brands, they holds the core techniques and knowledge about fishing lures. Thus, Fa Yang understands how to manufacturer high-quality fishing lures in large scale. Mr. Kuo, general manager of Fa Yang, shows us a photo from his Facebook that a big fish was angled. He said he angled the fish by fishing lures manufactured by his factory. However, not every fish will "defer" to every kind of fishing lures. Mr. Kuo explains to us how many types of fishing lures do they produce and what types are trust-worthy for clients.



Jigs—Beautiful Liars Cheating Big Fish

   Basically, Jigs are metal fishing lures with a head shape. They can be plugged into a fishing hook, plus some plastic feathers or tails. Jigs are usually used in fishing fish under the bottom of the river or lake. Fishers use the fishing rods convulsively to make jig "jumping". So what happens? Jigs will look like a shocked fish so that big fish will try to bite them.



